
Navigating Discover Interchange Fees: How VCS Can Help You Optimize Your Payment Processing

Accepting Discover cards can open your business to a wider customer base, but understanding the associated interchange fees is key to managing your payment processing costs effectively. At Vault Consulting Solutions (VCS), we are committed to helping Maryland businesses make sense of these fees and optimize their payment processing strategies for maximum profitability.

What Are Discover Interchange Fees?

Interchange fees are a critical component of the costs you incur when accepting credit card payments. These fees are typically paid by your acquiring bank to the card-issuing bank each time a Discover card is used for a purchase at your business. While Discover’s fee structure might seem complex, having a clear understanding of how these fees work can help you keep your overall payment processing costs in check.

Key Components of Discover Interchange Fees:

  1. Transaction Type and Merchant Category: Discover’s interchange fees vary based on the type of transaction and the merchant category. For example, retail transactions might have a different fee structure compared to online or eCommerce transactions. Factors such as whether the card was present during the transaction also influence the fees.
  2. Card Not Present (CNP) Transactions:Similar to other credit card networks, Discover charges higher interchange fees for Card Not Present transactions (such as online purchases) due to the increased risk of fraud. Understanding how to minimize these costs can be crucial for businesses that rely heavily on online sales.
  3. Discover Network Assessment Fees: In addition to interchange fees, Discover also assesses network fees, which cover the costs of maintaining the payment network. These fees may vary based on transaction volume and other factors. It’s important to regularly review your merchant account statements to understand the breakdown of these fees.
  4. Discover’s Unique Fee Structure: Unlike other major credit card networks, Discover acts as both the issuing bank and the network provider. This means that Discover sets its own interchange fees without relying on a third-party issuing bank. As a result, Discover’s fee structure can be more straightforward, but it also requires a clear understanding of how these fees fit into your overall Merchant Discount Rate (MDR).

Why Should You Care About Discover Interchange Fees?
While you don’t pay interchange fees directly, they are a significant component of your overall cost of accepting card payments. By understanding Discover’s interchange fees, you can take steps to lower your payment processing costs, ultimately saving your business money and improving your bottom line.

How VCS Can Help Your Business

At VCS, we specialize in helping Maryland businesses optimize their payment processing strategies. Here’s how we can support you with Discover card transactions:

  1. Expert Analysis: We’ll help you understand Discover’s interchange fees and how they affect your overall payment processing costs. This detailed analysis will allow you to make informed decisions about how to accept Discover cards in a way that minimizes costs.
  2. Tailored Payment Solutions: Our team will work with you to develop a customized payment processing plan that aligns with your business needs, ensuring you’re not overpaying for services you don’t need while still providing your customers with the payment options they prefer.
  3. Negotiation Support:  Armed with knowledge about how Discover interchange fees are structured, you can approach negotiations with your acquiring bank more confidently. VCS will assist you in these discussions, helping you secure the most favorable terms for accepting Discover cards.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring and Support:  The payment processing landscape is dynamic, with fees and regulations frequently changing. VCS will keep you informed of any updates to Discover’s interchange fees and help you adjust your strategy accordingly.


Understanding Discover’s interchange fees is essential for optimizing your payment processing strategy. By partnering with VCS, you’ll gain the expertise and support you need to navigate these fees, reduce your costs, and ensure your business remains competitive and profitable.
When you have questions about how your business can leverage Discover’s (or any other’s) interchange fees, your merchant discount rate, or how VCS can help you optimize your payment processing strategy, contact us today.